ULTIMATE TONER T*1 - Labradorite Ash

TONER T*1 Labrodorite Ash
For cool ashen blondes

  • Without Ammonia

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Solaris toners are ideal for neutralizing, correcting or shading yellow or lighter discoloration
after a Solaris service. They enhance the technique for a unique, made-to-measure blond.

> Boost, tone or correct highlights
> Customize all blonds

In a bottle, shaker or non-metallic bowl, mix 30 ml colorant with 60 ml Oxycrem 5 Volumes developer. Mix well until smooth and homogeneous.

On wet or dry hair.

APPLICATION TIME: 5 to 10 min. For more intensity, increase by 5 to 10 min.

Emulsify thoroughly with warm water. Rinse thoroughly, then proceed with Equivital Post Coloration shampoo.


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